I'm a huge fan of thrift shops. Always have, always will. It's in my shopping blood, you can say. And now, I'm even happier after learning of a Plato's Closet store that recently opened in my town! If you don't know what Plato's Closet is, let me explain briefly. Plato's is a franchise store that buys and sells your gently-used clothing, shoes, and accessories. Here's the catch though: the store will only buy up-to-date, trendy, popular brand name items for teens and twenty-somethings. I love how I can go in with a bag of clothing that just doesn't appeal to me anymore, and walk out with some cold, hard cash in hand. Now, now, I usually don't actually walk out the door with said cash, as 75% of the time I am overwhelmed and tempted to purchase more goodies I see while there!!! But it's all good, right?
Okay, I do have one problem with Plato's Closet. Sometimes their pricing system on their merchandise isn't so great. More than once, I've picked up a shirt only to put it back when their price is higher than the original garmets selling price. For ex. $9 for a Merona tank when its original price sticker on it reads $7. Oh well, no biggie. I'm a pro when it comes to knowing what to buy and when to buy it at a store like Plato's. Kinda.....I will say that on my latest excursion to Plato's Closet, I found a dress from Anthropologie that I had been vying to get since this summer. Originally over $140, I got it in my size, in fabulous like-new condition for $18....